Other Work

Degree Show Exhibition

The two images above are photographs of my work being displayed in the final year university exhibition or Degree Show.

'Design + Consideration = THIS BOOK' Cover

This was the cover to a book I created around the area of design considerations. The book explored different design considerations and displayed them using mainly images and a single quotation.

Design can be seen as finding the correct combination of specific elements such as layout, colour, typography and imagery which resulted in the title of the book being displayed in such a way that it portrayed the 'calculation' element of design, 'design + consideration = this book'.

'Design + Consideration = THIS BOOK' Page Spreads

This page spread above addressed the area of pattern, throughout the book the images were placed on the right hand side with the quote on the left. The title of each section was then placed to interact with the design in the best possible way. The pattern shown here is a close up of a striped shirt.

This page spread above addressed the area of symmetry. The image was created using a long mirror being placed in front of a tiled wall with a piece of paper with the word symmetry placed in the middle so as to form a symmetrical image. The photograph was then manipulated using Adobe Photoshop, the brightness and contrast was adjusted first and then the image mode was changed from CMYK to Duotone.

This page spread above addressed the area of texture. The image was created by taking a close up photography of a small section of bubble wrap. The brightness and contrast was agin manipulated as well as changing the mode. Again the image was solely created using Adobe Photoshop, but the main layout of the book was created using Adobe InDesign.

This page spread above addressed the element of less is more. The image was created by printing the word 'MORE' to fill an A4 sheet, it was then photographed from an angle and taken into Adobe Photoshop where the mode was changed to Duotone, the colour was changed and then the words 'LESS IS' were added.

This design was to show the consideration of communication within design. I chose to use a stop sign as the main image, this was because the sign has to tell the road user information instantly and communicate it effectively, it was manipulated in Adobe Photoshop and then positioned using Adobe InDesign.

This design addressed the area of contrast. The lowercase 't' with the uppercase 'T', the stroke on 'CON' and 'TRAST' being full white, were created so as to communicate contrast through simple imagery and type. When these objects are placed on a black and white colour scheme and background the design effectivley communicated its topic and message.


Pitch and Pattern

Pitch and Pattern was a book that explored the idea that football contains numerous patterns. The front cover was created from artificial grass which had the title spray painted onto it in the style of a corner of a football pitch. Inside the patterns were displayed over a double page spread with the title of the pattern being incorporated into the design.

Module Journals

These module journal were the alternative to a sketch book for one of my modules. I seperated the each project into a seperate journal (Green and Blue) and then evaluated the whole module using another (Red). The size of the booklets are A5 and were created using Adobe Illustrator.

De Stijl typface development journal

The book above was the experimentation book for a project where I had to create a new typeface based around De Stijl. I used no preset grid system and instead decided to allow the black lines to seperate the page and form a grid, the black lines also represented the design style of De Stijl. onlt three colours were used, red, blue and yellow, this was in keeping with De Stijl. The large black binder was used so as to merge with the thick black lines of the layouts. Created using Adobe InDesign.

'A Sense of Time': D-Day

'A Sense of Time' D-Day Illustration

This illustration was created using Adobe Illustrator. The idea behind the project called 'A Sense of Time' was to illustrate a specific day in history using only illustration, no typography was allowed so the image had to be created in such a way that it portrayed the day or a part of the day. The day chosen was D-day.


TV Channel Hopping Information Info-graphic

The info-graphic above displays the channel hopping pattern of one person over a period of 24 hours.

The design was created entirely using Adobe Illustrator.

The design above incorporated three sets of information from 3 different people.

Radio Usage Listening Times Info-graphic

This info-graphic displays the amount of time one person spends listening to a range of radio stations whilst commuting to and from work.

The two seperate halves of the circle represent the commute to and commute from, both of which take 30 minutes. Each section of the circle is colour coded with a corresponding key.

The proportions of colour within the circles represent how long the station is listened to during the commute.

This design was created entirley using Adobe Illustrator.

TV Viewing Genre Info-graphic

This info-graphic was created using only Adobe Illustrator.

The graphic displays the difference in the types of TV shows viewed by 1 person over a period of 24 hours. It is portrayed in an easy to read format which allows the viewer to easily recognise each area and then compare it to others. Below is another version using the same information.

TV Viewing Genre Info-graphic (Idea 2)

The info-graphic above was an alternative design to show which genres were most watched. The lines connecting the information were displayed at 10% of their original opacity, the whiter the line, the more that genre is watched.

TV Viewing Info-graphic (Full Set Information - 1 Person)

This info-graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator only.

The graphic shows three sets of information, shows that were watched, when they were watched and what channel they were on. The channel information was seperated by the use of colour coding each channel, this allowed the information to be seen easier and it also made the design more visually appealing. The triangular style and shape of the design added interest and helped to seperate each set of information.

Mobile Phone Usage Info-Graphic

The info-graphic above showed the density of sms messages sent and recieved across a period of 24 hours for one person. The sent and recieved messages were seperated by placing them on opposite sides of the graphic. The time was then centered so as to allow the information to gravitate towards the final element of the information.

This design was created using only Adobe Illustrator.

Advertising Posters

To advertise the info-graphics a series of exhibition posters were created. The exhibition was a purely fictional event, below are the posters created for the info-graphic exhibition titled 'Is Information Boring ?' or 'IIB?'

Final Book

The info-graphics which were created were to be displayed within a book, which can be seen above. The book itself had two dust jackets, the first jacket (white) was a simple, almost boring design. It was simple text on a white background with no immediate visual interest, text was placed in the middle of this cover saying ' If this cover does not interest you please remove it to find something better underneath', this was to engage the viewer while at the same time trying to increase the idea that information can be interesting.

The second cover (Yellow) was a design which held more visual interest. The design consisted of a large IIB? in an outline form similar to a technical diagram. Only a small part of this was seen as a front cover as the design spread across the whole jacket. More colour was used in this version with the yellow background attracting the eye and the red and blue outlines contrasting against it.

Native Indian Territory Map

Typeface Design 'De Style'

This typeface was designed using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, the typeface was design so as to capture the style of De Stijl, this was communicated through the white lines and squares introduced into each letter design. The modern element introduced was the diagonal orientation of the letters, this then brought the typeface away from the style of De Stijl but only enough so it could be applied to modern material.

Fictional Packaging Brief

The pot design above was for a brief based around a fictional product for Quaker Oats. The product was 'Chilled Creamy Oats' that came in the following flavours,

1. Raspberry
2. Sweet Cinnamon
3. Apple and Blueberry
4. Golden Syrup

The design of the pot graphics was aimed to stand out when placed with similar products in a supermarket, the design was therefore kept simple but bold, which is a contrast to other busy packaging styles seen on similar products.

Each design was coloured differently but the silver pot and black lid backgrounds remained the same.

'Impossible is Possible'

'Impossible is Possible' was a university project where I had to take an image of the Sunderland Winter Gardens and place it in an impossible setting.

The photographs of the trees and the rubble were taken from the internet and my photograph of the Winter Gardens was imported and maipulated into it. The images were made entirely on Adobe Photoshop.

The idea behind the first image was that a structure like this would not be situated within the heavily dense rainforest.

The idea behind the second image was that the Winter Gardens would not be perfectly unmarked with no scratches, cracks or damage after a major disaster has brough down the buildings around it.


100 was an open brief, we were allowed to create any outcome we wished as long as the basis of the project related to 100.

My idea for this brief was to show random unknown facts around the number 100, this included such facts as, the body temperature of a sheep is 100 degrees and that when you sneeze, air and particles travel through the nostrils at speeds over 100mph.

The outcome I chose was a series of cards that would communicate this information, 10 cards were designed as 100 cards would not be possible with the timeframe we had to complete the project. The cards were double sided, one side had the fact and the other side had a design which could only be put together in one possible way.

The cards were then packaged in a small slip case style box and wrap.

This projects outcomes were created using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.

724 Film Festival Logo

724 was the title of a fictional Film Festival held in Barcelona which was created for a university project module centered around graphic design.

The idea behind the 724 element was the fact that the festival would be held for 7 days non stop, therefore 724 (7 days 24 hours a day). The clock hands were to reinforce the element of time while the colours captured the festival spirit of the event.

The logo was created using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

724 Film Festival Mobile Advert

The design above was created to advertise the festival, 'The Reels are Running' was the slogan for the festival as it incorporated the time element as well as the film aspect. This advert was created around a template preset for a Nokia 5235. Created using Adobe Photoshop, logo exported from Adobe Illustrator.

724 Film Festival Billboard Advert

724 Film Festival Business Card

724 Film Festival Compliment Slip

724 Film Festival Letterhead

724 Film Festival Postcard

724 Film Festival Magazine Advert

'Empty' Flash Animation

This was the first time I had used Adobe Flash to create animations, the result of which can be seen here.

These simple animations created using Adobe Flash were designed so as to communicate the word 'Empty'.

The first animation was to represent a fuel gauge. The second animation was to show a glass pouring its contents out so as to become empty, while the third idea was a simple typographic approach to the word. It shows the contents of its background disappearing as if it was being let out through a tap.

'Paul Rand' Flash Animation

The animations above were for a university brief where we had to display the style of a particular designer. The designer I was given was Paul Rand, I incoporated the bright colours and a simplistic typeface into my design as it was a common theme throughout his works.

'DISMISS' Gadget Graveyard Exhibition

'DISMISS' Gadget Graveyard was a fictional exhibition based around the idea of technology and its progression making previous objects unwanted and obsolete. The exhibition looked at the following areas:

1. Mobile Phones
2. Calculators
3. Clocks
4. Watches
5. Computers
6. Video Games Consoles

The actual items for the exhibition in this case were not to be made, only the promotional material and visual identity of the event was to be created.

Visual Identity

Exhibition Invite Layout

Exhibition Banner

Exhibition Poster